

Growing Roots offers a curriculum which encourages the fine and large motor skills, art, music, science, problem solving, and reading readiness.

Creative Media

Clay, play dough, painting, cutting, gluing, and many sensory activities that strengthen fine motor muscles and development.

Scientific Exploration

Nature studies, science experiments, “our earth” and weather.


Singing, dancing, rhythm instruments.

Reading Readiness

Story dictation, whole language recall activities, finger-plays, literature, letter and number recognition.

“Whole Body” Activity

Large motor coordination, movement activities, outside play.

Social Interaction

Making friends, sharing, helping, responsibility, and following direction.

Weekly Chapel

Time together in the church for Bible stories, singing, and fun!


Growing Roots is committed to providing a nurturing environment where children aged 8 weeks to 12 years can explore, learn, and evolve. Our experienced team prioritizes holistic development by offering activities that stimulate cognitive, mental, social, and physical well-being.

Preparing your Children for Success

Our Curriculum Tools

At Growing Roots, we integrate Zoo-Phonics to make learning phonetics fun and engaging, Handwriting Without Tears to develop strong handwriting skills with ease, and our teachers craft personalized activities to nurture each child's unique strengths, setting them up for success in their educational journey.

Zoo-Phonics offers numerous benefits in early childhood education by making phonics learning enjoyable and effective. Through its animal-themed approach, children easily connect letter sounds to memorable characters, fostering a strong foundation in reading and spelling. This multisensory method engages auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning styles, catering to diverse student needs and enhancing retention. Additionally, Zoo-Phonics promotes language development, critical thinking, and creativity, preparing children for successful literacy experiences.

Handwriting Without Tears is a highly effective program for young learners that offers several key benefits. Its hands-on, multisensory approach helps children develop proper pencil grip, letter formation, and overall handwriting skills with ease and confidence. The program's sequential and developmentally appropriate lessons ensure gradual mastery of writing skills, reducing frustration and promoting a positive learning experience. By focusing on clear and legible writing from an early age, Handwriting Without Tears lays a solid foundation for future academic success and self-expression.

Utilizing teacher-created materials in early childhood education provides a host of benefits. These materials can be tailored to suit the specific needs and interests of the students, making learning more engaging and relevant. Teachers can incorporate hands-on activities, visuals, and interactive elements that cater to diverse learning styles, fostering a deeper understanding of concepts. Moreover, teacher-created materials allow for flexibility and creativity in lesson planning, enabling educators to adapt and customize content based on real-time feedback and student progress. This personalized approach not only enhances academic achievement but also promotes critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a positive learning environment.